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Celebrating a Lifetime of "Heart" Resilience
In order to commemorate the one year anniversary of my 6th pacemaker surgery which took place on February 6, 2020 and to coincidence with my birthday on February 13th, I would like to raise funds and awareness about the impact of cardiovascular disease. I have been suffering from a variety of cardiac issues since I was 16 years old and had my first pacemaker at the age of 19. Despite many years of challenging cardiac health issues and 6 pacemaker surgeries, I have led a very fulfilling and active life, including playing tennis at a competitive level for many years and there are few things that I have not been able to accomplish. I have and continue to be a long term patient of the Montreal General Hospital and am extremely grateful for the attention and care that I have and continue to receive from the Cardiac Electrophysiology department - Special thanks to Dr. Tomy Hadjis. Cardiovascular disease can impact anyone at any time, especially women, and it is important to never take our health for granted. I am a living example of "heart" resilience!
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